
How to upgrade from a previous version or migrate to Comentario from another commenting system

Comentario is a production-ready system, which can replace a number of other services. It also supports upgrading from a previous Comentario version.

Migration from 2.x

This page explains how you can migrate to Comentario version 3 from a 2.x installation.

Migration from Commento(++)


Commento was once a popular open-source commenting system.

It is in fact a predecessor of Comentario, because Comentario 2.x started as a fork to Commento 1.8, reworking the user interface and the internals, but keeping the database structure intact.

Migration from Disqus

Migration to Comentario from Disqus is pretty straightforward.

You just export your data from Disqus, then import the downloaded data dump into Comentario.

Migration from WordPress

Migration to Comentario from WordPress is pretty straightforward.

You just export your data from WordPress, then import the downloaded data dump into Comentario.