
How to deploy Comentario Helm chart

All examples below use the same namespace, referred to as $NAMESPACE. If it doesn’t exist yet, create it with:

export NAMESPACE=my-comentario
kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE

Optional: deploy PostgreSQL

Comentario may use a PostgreSQL server (another option is local SQLite storage; refer to Requirements for details). In that case PostgreSQL has to be installed separately.

The easiest way to do that in a Kubernetes cluster is by using a Helm chart by Bitnami.

Step 1: Before installing PostgreSQL, it may be a good idea to manually create a storage volume (PVC), because it would give you a full control over its size and lifecycle.

You can create a volume of 1 GiB by using the provided postgres-pvc.yaml:

kubectl create -f resources/k8s/postgres-pvc.yaml --namespace $NAMESPACE

Step 2: install the PostgreSQL server:

helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update
helm install \
    --namespace $NAMESPACE \
    --set "image.repository=postgres" \
    --set "image.tag=17-alpine" \
    --set "primary.persistence.existingClaim=comentario-postgres-pvc" \
    --set "global.postgresql.auth.postgresPassword=SECR3t" \
    --set "global.postgresql.auth.database=comentario" \
    --wait \
    comentario-postgres \

After this, a new release called comentario-postgres will be installed, with PostgreSQL version 17-alpine (adjust values as needed), user postgres and password SECR3t.

Deploy Comentario server

  1. Edit the values in resources/k8s/comentario-secrets.yaml as required (see Configuration for details) and copy-paste its contents into comentario-secrets.yaml (indent with 4 spaces)
  2. Create the secret: kubectl create -f resources/k8s/comentario-secrets.yaml --namespace $NAMESPACE
  3. Install Comentario using Helm (consult the Parameters page for value description):
helm upgrade --install \
    --namespace $NAMESPACE \                            # The same namespace value as above
    --set "clusterIssuer=letsencrypt-staging" \         # Replace with letsencrypt-prod when you're ready for production
    --set "" \
    --set "image.tag=<VERSION>" \                       # Use the desired Comentario version here
    --set "comentario.secretName=comentario-secrets" \  # This is the name of the secret from resources/k8s/comentario-secrets.yaml
    --set "" \      # Name of the SMTP host you're using for emails
    --set "" \  # Email to set in the Reply field
    --set "" \          # Domain where your Comentario instance should be reachable on 
    my-comentario \                                     # Name of your instance (and Helm release)

See also