
How to translate backend and embed parts

The backend (the server part) and the embedded comment engine share the same set of so-called messages, all of them located under resources/i18n/ in the project root.

You can see the list of available languages by logging into the Administration UI as a superuser and navigating to ConfigurationStatic: the section Available UI languages lists all installed translations.

Each translation is a text-based YAML file, providing a mapping between Message ID and Message translation. The file name must be a RFC 5646 tag of the target language, and its extension yaml. For example:

  • ru.yaml for Russian
  • en.yaml for English
  • en-gb.yaml for British English
  • pt.yaml for Portuguese (Portugal)
  • pt-br.yaml for Brazilian Portuguese

Here’s an example for English:

# en.yaml
- {id: accountCreatedConfirmEmail, translation: Account is successfully created. Please check your email and click the confirmation link it contains.}
- {id: actionAddComment,           translation: Add Comment}
- {id: actionApprove,              translation: Approve}
- {id: actionCancel,               translation: Cancel}

And below is an example how the same messages look in Russian:

# ru.yaml
- {id: accountCreatedConfirmEmail, translation: Аккаунт успешно зарегистрирован. Мы отправили вам емэйл, пожалуйста, подтвердите свой адрес, перейдя по содержащейся в нём ссылке.}
- {id: actionAddComment,           translation: Добавить комментарий}
- {id: actionApprove,              translation: Утвердить}
- {id: actionCancel,               translation: Отмена}


If you’d like to contribute your own translation for a language that is missing, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Comentario repository.
  2. Make a copy of an existing translation (resources/i18n/en.yaml is always the most complete one) into a new resources/i18n/<language_tag>.yaml.
  3. Translate every message.
  4. Modify the file cypress/support/cy-utils.ts by adding your new language spec to the constant UI_LANGUAGES: it’s used in end-2-end tests to verify every available language.
  5. Commit both files into your fork.
  6. Make sure the build pipeline has finished successfully.
  7. Submit a Merge Request for merging your changes into the dev branch.

See also